Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics
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See also: User:Mathbot/Most wanted redlinks, Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of math draft pages.
- AC Method -[1]
- Albert–Penico–Taft theorem -[2]
- BC-domain - [3]
- Capelli polynomial -[4]
- Centroid of a ring -[5]
- Conic algebra (not the algebra of conic sections)[6][7]
- Dimer algebra -[8]
- Discriminant algebra -[9]
- Group valuation (not the same as Valuation group) -
- H-structure -[10]
- Hecke algebra of Bost and Connes [1] -
- Hopf algebra of Feynman diagrams
- Isotonicity (mathematics) (Lattice theory, etc.) -
- κ-algebra, κ-structure
- Kronecker function ring
- Levi's reduction process [2]
- Martindale's theorem -[11]
- Mixed discriminant
- Module index [3]
- Morita context -
- Multiplicative filter
- Nagata–Higman theorem -[12]
- Oort embedding theorem
- Onsager algebra
- Penico series -[13]
- Polynomial composition -[14]
- Predicative arithmetic - currently a redirect to Impredicativity
- Principle of permanence of identities -
- Principle of specialization of integral dependence
- Quasiassociative algebra
- Quaternionic roots of polynomials
- Pseudo-orthonormal basis – needed to link to from WP, a widely used term, a generalization of but distinct from orthonormal basis in that it allows an indefinite nondegenerate bilinear form.
- RC-algebra -[15]
- Regular basis
- Riesz interpolation property (interpolation property in an ordered abelian group, mentioned in approximately finite dimensional C*-algebra; weakly unperforated, a related property with ordered abelian semigroups, is listed below)-
- Ring of constructible functions[16]
- Ring of divided congruences
- Ringfield (math structure in which div and mul are same operation, should have nice de Moivre complex exponential change in div mul phase?!)
- RL–condition for Hopf algebra -[17]
- Samuel's conjecture
- semi-tropical algebra[18]
- Sikorski extension theorem - [19][20]
- Singularity category
- Skew-symmetric ring
- Skolem ring [21]
- Swan module [22]
- Syntactic algebra, Syntactic ideal [23]
- Taylor–Dix theorem (isosceles triangles)
- Weak Cayley table group
- Weakly injective module (maybe redirect?)
- Weakly projective module
- Weakly unperforated
- Z.P.I. ring -[24]
- adic space [25] - currently a redirect to Rigid_analytic_space#Other_formulations
- Adelic analysis (developed by Ivan Fesenko)
- Adelic geometry (developed by Ivan Fesenko)
- ALE surface
- algebraic variety of general type (maybe redirect?)
- Batyrev–Borisov mirror construction -
- Belyi cuspidalization (developed by Shinichi Mochizuki)
- Belyi map, with the sub-kind 'Noncritical Belyi map' (studied by Shinichi Mochizuki)
- bunched ring[4]
- Central quadric -
- Chow regularity theorem
- Conical curve (note that this is not the same as conic section)
- Convergent cohomology, convergent topos
- Coregular space -[26]
- Deligne pairing
- Drinfeld compactification
- Equisingular connection
- F-conjecture
- Feynman motive -[27]
- Formal quantization
- Futaki invariant - currently a redirect to K-stability
- Gabber rigidity theorem
- Galois deformation - currently a redirect to Deformation ring
- Gersten's conjecture -[28]
- Hodge stack
- Hom-stack
- Hotta-Kashiwara construction
- Impose independent conditions
- Incidence variety
- Iwahori's theorem
- Kodaira lemma
- Kontsevich moduli stack
- Kuga–Satake abelian variety
- Levi extension theorem -
- Landau variety -[27]
- Logarithmic differential operator
- Luna–Vust theory -[29]
- MacPherson's local Euler obstruction
- Möbius sphere - also known as an M-sphere
- Modularity lifting theorem
- Mori's bend and break argument (cf. [5])
- Motivic complex[6]
- Mumford relations
- Noether–Lefschetz number
- Noether's factorization theorem
- Optimal basis
- Orbifold cohomology
- Parabolic Higgs bundle
- Parabolic Trigonometry
- Positroid variety -[30]
- Postulation (algebraic geometry)
- Purity lemma -
- Quantum Schubert calculus
- Quasiparabolic bundle, Quasiparabolic homomorphism
- Radiciel morphism
- Relatively ample invertible sheaf -
- Relative quantization
- Samaksh(Sammy's) Conjecture
- Semiabelian variety (currently a redirect)
- Serre's intersection formula [7] (redirect is ok)
- Serre's invariant
- Severi bound
- Shatz stratification
- Simple algebraic group -
- Skoda's theorem on ideal generation (perhaps a redirect)
- Sommese vanishing theorem - (perhaps a Dab page)
- Speciality function -
- Tame stack
- Triangle midsegment theorem
- Uncertain geometry (paper 2008 Simon Jackson commutative representation of Quantum Mechanics?) - also listed under "Differential geometry and topology" and under "Geometry".
- Weak factorization conjecture
- Welschinger invariant -[31][32]
- Wolf and Pate correlation (capillary tubes)
- L-PLS (extends Partial Least Squares regression to 3 connected data blocks)
- OPLS-DA (Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures - Discriminant Analysis) (Partial Least Squares with discrete variables)
- Mathematics and Its Applications Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Problems in Applied Sciences [1 ed.] ISBN 978-94-010-4803-3
- Researching the Socio-Political Dimensions of Mathematics Education: Issues of Power in Theory and Methodology (Mathematics Education Library) [1 ed.] ISBN 9781402079061
- Analog sum (actuarial mathematics)
- Game theory in cancer research - somatic evolution in cancer
- List of applied mathematicians
- List of mathematical biophysicists
- List of mathematical physicists
- Mathematical genomics -
- Nucleotide polymorphism (population genetics, is Single-nucleotide polymorphism sufficient?)
- Rational mechanics - (currently redirects to a Disambiguation neither Classical mechanics or Clifford Truesdell mentions the exact phrase)
- Ultracomplexity - higher-dimensional algebra
- Limit (mathematics)
- Equilateral_triangle#Circumradius,_inradius,_and_exradii
- Perimeter#Circumference_of_a_circle
- Pompeiu's theorem
- Anderson motive
- Automorphic vector bundle - the notion due to Milne?
- Capacity pairing
- Dieudonné–Manin classification
- Discriminant of an elliptic curve
- Endomotive - [34]
- Finiteness theorem of Faltings
- Frobenius flow -[35]
- Galois representation associated to a modular form
- Generalized elliptic curve
- Horizontal divisor
- Shimura–Shintani–Waldspurger correspondence
- Skolem–Abouzaid theorem -[36]
- Ray's Arithmetic (Ray’s Arithmetic teaches arithmetic in an orderly fashion, starting with basic mathematical rules and principles and building upon those rules as students progress in their studies) ( Mott Media's Ray's Arithmetics - 8 Volume Set,'s Collection of Ray's Arithmetic Series, Biography of Joseph Ray)
- Anabelioid (defined by Shinichi Mochizuki, 2004 and 2006)
- Arrow function
- Atomic topos
- Bartosz Milewski
- Coamoeba -[37]
- Compactly generated category
- Constructible object
- Coquasitriangular Hopf algebra
- Cylinder functor
- Doctrine (category theory) (cf.
- Double algebroid s - higher dimensional algebra
- Dual functor (Opposite functor)
- Effective epimorphism
- Final coalgebra (to be contrasted with initial algebra and linked with anamorphism as initial algebra is linked from catamorphism)
- Homotopy quantum field theory
- Intertwining operators relations and number
- Lax algebra -
- Lax monad -
- Linear functor
- Loop category
- Mal'cev category -
- Monadic length
- Prefunctor Prefunctor form precategory ( , \mathscr{I}-prefunctor ( p.73)
- Pro-representable functor
- Protomodular category -
- Quasi-inverse functor
- Ultracomplexity - higher dimensional algebra
- Waldhausen localization
- Yoneda ext / Yoneda Ext / Yoneda Ext-algebra / Yoneda Ext algebra (cf. Ext-algebra)
- Coding lemma
- Disguise operation
- Fuzzy vault - encryption scheme. A well written wiki page by Buffalo University already exists with references included.
- Scroll code - [38]
- Bilinear generating function
- Christoffel word
- Core partition
- Entropic discriminant -[39]
- Hamming ball*
- Gilles Schaeffer Mathematician, recipient of European Prize in Combinatorics 2007,
- Gowers' dichotomy
- Greedoid language -[40]
- Lecture hall partition, a type of integer partition
- MacMahon squares
- Middle levels conjecture Is there a Hamiltonian path in the graph defined by bitstrings with of length 2n+1 with n or n+1 ones (with an edge between any two vertices for which the corresponding bitstrings differ in exactly one bit)? Note: resolved. [10]
- MacNeish's Conjecture [11];
- Metric Inequality
- Park–Park–Song–Suehiro sequences -[41]
- Polynomial Szemerédi theorems
- Positroid -[42]
- Ray-Chaudhuri–Wilson theorem about set intersections
- Semimodular function
- Jay Elroy Sulzberger
- Sylvester's bijection, an explicit bijection between strict partitions and odd partitions
- Terminal series
- Toeplitz word
- Gyration series
- Artin's theorem on the solutions of analytic equations
- Bernstein–Walsh lemma
- Boettcher coordinate (currently redirects to Boettcher equation, the correct spelling of the name is Böttcher)
- Equilibrium measure -
- Fatou coordinate - see Fatou coordinate
- Formal Newton series
- Fuchsian uniformisation -[43]
- Hyperbolic components
- Hyperbolicity (complex geometry) (not the same as Gromov hyperbolic space, could be included in Kobayashi metric)
- Koebe function currently a redirect
- Kuranishi space
- (Louis) Brands Formula
- Neumann operator
- Natural coordinate system
- Paving lemma
- Polysign numbers
- Proper mapping theorem
- Recursive filter (IIR) float accuracy problem
- Schlicht function currently a redirect
- Schottky uniformisation -[44]
- Z plane as corresponding to Z transforms as used in control engineering
- Chordal sparsity
- Constrained conjugate gradient / Conjugate gradient with barriers (how does the barrier effects the conjugate gradient solution) -
- Error surface (see, e.g., [12]) -
- Forward backward algorithm (operator splitting) (see same reference as for POCS)
- Hildreth-d'Esposo algorithm - [13] [14]
- Hopscotch method -
- Noisy optimization -
- Parameter errors in nonlinear regression mentioned here
- Preference description language (see, e.g., [15] (pdf)) -
- Roman Polyak -
- Waterfilling theorem -
- Comp128v2
- Hierarchical Hash-Chain Broadcast Encryption Scheme - see paper and glossary (further docs available in 'broadband bundle')
- LASH (cryptography) see paper, NIST 2006 workshop, cryptoanalysis, analysis(2), authors PhD. thesis, (german) Diplomathesis about LASH (see 4.3.2)
- Multilinear modular hashing
- Online/offline signature [16]
- Patterson's algorithm
- Post-alien cryptography - see IETF internet draft, paper, IACR paper, website, website.
- Pseudo random large bit sequence using XOR feedback
- Range proof
- Ratcheting (cryptography) - Disambiguate from Ratcheting. Redirect from Ratcheted encryption, Key ratcheting, and Ratcheted key exchange. Wikilink from Double Ratchet algorithm. See Signal: Advanced cryptographic ratcheting, Cryptography Stack Exchange: What is a ratchet?, and Ratcheted Encryption and Key Exchange: The Security of Messaging.
- The Card-Chameleon Cipher - see irc forumlarısource
- Post-compromise security or otherwise known as Future secrecy (similar to but more advanced than Forward secrecy), a category of encryption whereby individual messages can not be decrypted even when an attacker breaks a single key - they need to intercept all messages in order to do so. This is apparently a feature of the Signal protocol and also mentioned in Double ratchet algorithm.
- Lightweight cryptography, or cryptography on embedded systems. NIST has a competition for this.
- Ascon (cryptography) - a family of lightweight algorithms for authenticated encryption and hashing. Went well in the CAESAR competition.
- Calderon's uniqueness theorem
- Carleman estimates
- Complex differential equation (ordinary and partial differential equations with complex numbers)
- Differential Gröbner basis
- Extended linearity principle
- Fuchsian system -[45]
- Heaviside transform
- Green current -[46]
- Hypercomplex differential equation (ordinary and partial differential equations with quaternions, octionions and other hypercomplex numbers, from hypercomplex analysis)
- Involutive form
- Microdifferential operator
- Point symmetries
- Pseudo-differential equation (e.g. with p-adic numbers, in a non-Archimedean space, therefore 'ultrametric pseudo-differential equation')
- quantum differential equation
- semi-linear wave equation, a generalization of the classical wave equation, e.g., [17]
- Singular limit
- Stehfest algorithm for inverse Laplace transform
- Universal limit theorem
- Please make a page on linearization of ordinary differential equations. More precisely, consider the system x dot = f(x,u,t) wherex and u are vectors. Then it is a standard result used in the theroy of control systems (in engineering disciplines) that it can be linearized as
x dot = Ax + Bu where A = partial f / partial x and B = partial / partial u. However, in the engineeiring books or web resources no proof is offered for it. Many textbooks cite the following book [*] as a reference for its proof, but unfortunately I do not have access to it. In the engineering field many researchers will benefit from its proof.
[*] H. Amann. Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis, volume 13 of De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics. De Gruyter, Berlin - New York, 1990. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 20:12, 11 October 2015
- This is a simple application of the concept of a Total derivative. Whether there is justification for having a whole article on the specific application you have in mind I am not sure. The editor who uses the pseudonym "JamesBWatson" (talk) 14:59, 13 October 2015 (UTC)
I have made a draft article on Quasilinearization in response to the request above. It is awaiting approval at Draft:Quasilinearization. Rob.Corless (talk) 20:46, 31 March 2022 (UTC)
- Birkhoff curve shortening process -
- Bitensor -
- Cartan–Tits fixed point theorem
- Casson–Donaldson invariant
- clean intersection
- Colding–Minicozzi theorem on embedded minimal surfaces [18] [19] [20]
- Conjugate locus -
- Formality conjecture
- geometric Satake correspondence
- Bounded geometry (in the sense of Gromov)
- Grothendieck lemma -
- Groenewold–van Hove's no go theorem (maybe redirect)
- Hamilton's compactness theorem -
- Hamilton's tensor maximum principle -
- Heat equation proof of the Atiyah–Singer index theorem
- Hopf problem (source: arXiv:1708.01068). This is the open problem of whether there is a complex structure on the 6-sphere.
- Initial submanifold
- Lacunary principle
- Lefschetz decomposition -
- Light cone quantization -
- Metric measure space
- Mukai vector
- Multijet (mathematics)
- Natural bilinear concomitant -
- Newstead–Ramanan conjecture - [21]
- Nonlinear connection -
- Pfaffian line bundle
- Partial tangent functor -
- Pseudofunction and partie finie (with redirects from Hadamard's partie finie, *Hadamard's finite part) -
- Pseudospherical surface now redirects to pseudosphere but there are many more pseudo spherical surfaces (of which 2 types are smooth ones) see
- Quantum knot
- quantum tangle
- Randers manifold -
- Reshetikhin–Turaev tangle calculus
- Ricci's lemma -
- Symplectic connection -
- Symplectic resolution
- Tight surface (see, for example, [22]) -
- Total surgery obstruction
- Transvection (geometry)
- Uncertain geometry (paper 2008 Simon Jackson commutative representation of Quantum Mechanics?) - also listed under "Algebraic geometry" and under "Geometry".
- Weyl's theorem on invariants (cf. [23])
- Whitney forms -
- Aubry–Mather theory -
- Twist maps (see, e.g., [24]; related to Aubry–Mather theory; classic example is Dynamical billiards, although that page does not contain this perspective)
- CARIMA model -
- Denef–Loeser zeta function or topological zeta function
- Dimension theory of dynamical systems -
- Earthquake flow -[47]
- Hilbert–Arnold problem ru:Проблема Гильберта — Арнольда
- Kolmogorov model, a more generalised form of the Lotka–Volterra equations (cited at end of the lead)
- Lifshitz sphere (reference to Casimir effect through Evgeny Lifshitz?)
- Nilflow, e.g., as studied by Bill Parry (mathematician)
- Palis conjecture (finitude of attractors)[48][25]
- Period-doubling monoid - currently redirects to De Rham curve#Properties
- Pseudo-torus -[49]
- Topological pressure -[50]
- Wiener's ergodic theorem (ergodic theorems for actions; see [26]) -
- Zeeman catastrophe machine (see, e.g., [27])
- 1+1(Elementary arithmetic)(ja:1+1)
- Proportion, see the page content currently being overshadowed by a redirect, and the talk page for the entry.
- Swinging factorial NegativeZ (talk) 03:34, 24 September 2021 (UTC)
- Angelic space -
- Bartle–Dunford–Schwartz theorem -
- Brown–Douglas–Fillmore theory (classification of essentially normal operators by their essential spectrum and Fredholm index; introduces also a K-homology, a homology theory on topological spaces defined using C*-extensions.)
- Cayley–Neumann transformation -[51]
- Choi–Effros lifting theorem (stating that a *-homomorphism, from a C*-algebra into a quotient has a completely positive lift if the *-homomorhism is nuclear, in particular when the C*-algebra is nuclear.)
- Choi–Effros theorem for operator systems (abstract characterization of operator systems, plays the same role as the GNS theorem for C*-algebras.)
- Codistribution -
- Collectively compact linear operators
- Complete convergence -
- Convenient analysis -
- Finite representability -
- Fundamental period -
- Fragmentability -
- Hermite–Gaussian -
- Kac–Takesaki operator
- Modular operator - (Modulo operator)
- Namioka's theorem [28] -
- Nehari's theorem -
- Nekrasov's integral equation describes surface waves and is named for Aleksandr Nekrasov. See, for example, Kuznetsov's article on John Wehausen [29] or this issue in the Mathematica Journal [30] or the entry in the EOM [31]. The Google turns up plenty more articles citing Nekrsov's work.
- Nonlinear operator theory -
- Potapov–Ginzburg transformation -[51]
- Prime Banach space -
- Pseudomeasure Ref: [32]
- Quasi-hyperbolic metric -
- Quasinuclear operator -
- Quaternionic Hilbert space - (see, e.g., [52][53])
- Stampacchia theorem -
- Super-reflexive space (or *superreflexive space) -
- Symbol filtered algebra -
- Tensor product of C*-algebras
- Uniformly smooth Banach space -
- Voiculescu's theorem (stating that if the image a representation of a concrete C*-algebra does not contain any compact operators, then, up to unitary equivalence modulo the compacts, it is absorbed by the identity representation as a direct summand.)
- Baer–Krull correspondence
- Brauer field -[54][55]
- Brauer–Witt theorem
- Dedekind field -[56]
- Frobenius field -[57]
- Kaplansky field - [55]
- Kronecker conjugacy, Kronecker class -[58]
- Locality (field)
- Pasch field
- Pólya field -[59]
- Pre-Hilbert field -[60]
- Quadratic form scheme -[61]
- Ramification pairing
- Saturated field
- Automorphic Galois representation
- Class invariant homomorphism (due to Waterhouse)
- Tate–Nakayama duality
- Marketmaking in a Panopticon (by Sandler)
- Multi-perturbation Shapley value analysis (MSA)
- Average Cost Threshold Protocol (A protocol for the funding of public goods) ([33])
- Timeless decision theory.
- Line-cube intersection
- Ammann tilings
- Anisotropic triangles
- Antipodal symmetry
- Apeirogonal dipyramid (apeirogonal prism dual)
- Arnold's invariants (or Arnold invariants) (J± and St) see
- Bourgain's conjecture [34]
- Circle plane
- Construction of conic sections 00:31, 17 March 2011 (UTC)
- Cut-and-project -
- Decakismyriagon (100000-sided polygon)
- Diametral circle
- Diametral lens
- Differences between a catenary, parabola, and hyperbola
- Divider dimension
- Euler segment
- Geometric figures or List of common geometric figures. As it is, I can't find the names of some simple figures. I shouldn't have to go searching and searching in "polygons" and "curvilinear figures" and "three-dimensional figures." A simple list or table with illustrations and either short descriptions or Wikipedia links would be fine. I'm not looking for some complicated technically correct dense mathematical discussion, just a way to find out the basics.
- Geometric triality, briefly mentioned at triality but a different concept
- Haruki's lemma
- Hexad
- Milnor's theorem [35] Note: half the theorem is stated at Growth rate (group theory), I don't think much more is needed apart from adding the other half and maybe a redirect (with a more precise page name then simply "Milnor's theorem).
- Mixed geometry
- Model set (cf Harmonious set)
- Nesting polygons
- Noncommutative plane
- Operational mathematics
- Parabolic spandrel
- Pentacontahenagon (51-sided polygon)
- Peritrochoid
- Petersen–Schoute theorem -[62]
- Polystix, Similar to Tetrastix but for sticks of different cross-sections, such as equilateral triangles (tristix) and regular hexagons (hexastix).[63] I don't own the reference book myself, but from the limited google books preview, I gather that they are related to crystalline structures and regular spherical packings of 3d space. As such it may be better to add a redirect to a page about one of those topics, or to the Tetrastix page, and also add complimentary material there explaining the relationship.
- Quasilattice
- Purser's theorem From but I don't understand how one chooses those signs. So a bit clearer statement is needed.
- Simons cone [36]
- Shape grammar theory
- Stevanović's Circle
- Tripling a square
- Theory of proportions
- Triangle midsegment conjecture (see [37], should probably be a redirect)
- Uncertain geometry (paper 2008 Simon Jackson commutative representation of Quantum Mechanics?) - also listed under "Algebraic geometry" and under "Differential geometry and topology".
- Weak separation property (fractal geometry)
- directed angles, an extremely useful result in euclidean geometry, simplifying many problems.
- Wise's conjecture, explanation on, in fact there should probably be a page on CAT(0) cube complexes or at least a section in the page for CAT(0) space, which would include this.
- Geometric manifold
- Sutured manifold (could probably be a redirect to Thurston norm, though the page currently lacks substantial info on the topic and should be edited before such a redirect)
- Confusion graph[64], also Confusability graph[65]
- Connection matrix
- Dark geometry
- Dynamic segmentation
- Elimination order
- Ellentuck's theorem
- Explosive percolation
- Filled graph
- Frerejaque number
- Generalized net (extension to Petri net)
- Implicit and explicit domain and range
- Longest circuit
- Mass-distance relation
- Maximum vertex biclique
- Midquad
- Minimum broadcast graph
- Minimum semidefinite rank of a graph
- Minimum skew rank of a graph
- Natural equation
- Plabic graph -[66]
- Restriction scaffold problem
- Surface class
- Toppling ideal -[67]
- Tree measure / Tree metric
- Topological Tutte polynomial - [68]
- Uniconnected subgraph
- Welsh–Powell algorithm[69]
- Cliquet theory
- Floretion (Numbers with digits 1,2,4,7 when written in base 8, equipped with group multiplication [38], could also be in Abstract Algebra or Number Theory. For floretions of order 1 (quaternions) or 2, see Mathar, R. [39] and [40])
- Garside theory
- Melnikov group -[70]
- Recoupling theory
- Reidemeister–Schreier rewriting process
- Repeating group
- Schreier basis, Schreier system -[71]
- Singer cycle (should be in Geometry of field planes)
- Uniform pro-p-group
- Harmonic regression analysis
- Higher-order Fourier analysis -[72]
- Kunze–Stein operator
- Parahoric Hecke algebra
- Polynomial phase -[73]
History of mathematics and other cultural aspects
[edit]Ancient Chinese finger counting - [41] gives the basic numbering - but how do you do multiplication, division etc.? —- Calculus reform —
- Etymology of mathematical notation —
- History of one million
- List of mathematical notation by country A table containing each country's standard symbols for math expressions
- Rigorization of analysis , usually referred to in 19th century —
- economics of reason
History of mathematics Journals
[edit]- Additive dilogarithm
- Arithmetic K-theory
- cyclotomic trace
- Dirac morphism
- E-theory of Higson and Connes, e.g., Equivariant E-theory for C*-algebras
- Geometric K-theory
- Grothendieck period conjecture
- Levine's localisation theorem
- Motivic fundamental group
- p-adic K-theory
- Quillen's localization theorem
- Suslin's rigidity theorem
- (equivariant) Tamagawa number conjecture (currently a redirect)
- Tate spectrum[42]
- 12-j symbol
- 15-j symbol
- Belavin–Drinfeld classification
- Borel density theorem
- Cartan calculus [43] (maybe redirect?) -
- Cartan–Iwahori decomposition This is the non-archimedian version of the Cartan decomposition for real Lie groups; probably should be a redirect to this page after the relevant content is added.
- Casimir connection
- Contact Lie group
- Deligne groupoid
- Dynkin's π-system
- Formality theorem
- Kac diagram
- Kazama–Suzuki supercharge operator
- Klimyk's formula -
- Kostant section
- Kostant–Weierstrass slice
- Lacing number
- Lie colour algebra -[74]
- Motivic Lie algebra
- Olshanskii semigroup
- p-adic Lie group (currently a redirect, gets half a sentence) -
- Polar representation [44]
- Primitive invariant -
- Racah-Wigner algebra -
- Racah's multiplicity formula -
- Slodowy slice
- θ-group
- Uhlenbeck space
- Wakimoto module
- z-extension
- Anderson–Jury Bezoutian [45]
- Anisotropic group [46]
- Fast Givens rotation -
- Horn's conjecture (on Hermitian matrices proved by Tao) -
- Hotelling deflation -
- Leading 1 -
- Levitzki's theorem (not the same as Levitzky's theorem or Amitsur–Levitzki theorem or Hopkins–Levitzki theorem) -[75]
- Loewner matrix -
- Matrix lumping -
- Monotone matrix function -
- Nazarova–Roiter algorithm -
- Point matrix -
- Test matrix -
- scheduled relaxation Jacobi method - [47]
- Kruskal rank -
- Bernstein–Walsh theorem -
- Central function
- Dyadic derivative
- Exhaustion function (in the sense, for example, a Stein manifold admits an plurisubharmonic exhaustion function) -
- Friedrichs' lemma
- Lagrangian distribution
- Percent recovery
- Strong–Riesz mean
- Whittaker–Watson formula
- Division by infinity: Indeterminate form, Cantor's Theorem, Well-defined
- Newton integral
- Bourbaki integral
- Theory of didactical situations - ICMI Awards - Didactic engineering - Raymond Duval
- Quantrell Award - “The Quantrell Award is believed to be the nation’s oldest prize for undergraduate teaching. Based on letters of nomination from students, the award is among the most treasured by faculty. Nobel Laureate James Cronin, University Professor in Physics, said he was “bowled over to be receiving this Quantrell prize.” from
Mathematical logic
[edit]![]() | Requests for articles about mathematical logic are on a separate page, and should be added there. |
- Belavin–Knizhnik theorem, Holomorphic anomaly -[76]
- Belavin S-matrix -[77]
- Coleman's Principle
- Epsilon-expansion
- Chiral integral
- Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transform -[78] (See: Universal variable formulation)
- Lifshitz sphere
- Sugawara construction
- STU model
- Uhlenbeck's weak compactness theorem
- Arnold web [48]
- Johar M. Ashfaque [RSS Fellow, MInstP, AMIMA, Data Scientist, Mathematical Physicist]
Prior to creating an article, any biographical details can be added to: Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/missing mathematicians.
[edit]- Mohammed Abouzaid [49] [50]
Gottfried Achemmel- Takashi Agoh (Agoh–Giuga conjecture)
- William Kenneth Allard [51]
- Gregory Balk
- Antony Bartholomay
- Bonaventure Berloty
Mitya Boyarchenko- Margaret Edward Boyle [52]
- Yann Brenier
- David Burns (mathematician) (the mathematician)
- Buttimore, Nigel Maths-physicists, Professor Emeritus, Fellow Emeritus, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Departmental Homepage
- Gulbank Don Chakerian (USA)
- Seok-jeong Choi (1646-1715) Korean aristocrat and author of Gu-Su-Ryak
- Louis Crane
- Xianzhe Dai AMS Fellow
- Hernandez David, [[53]]
- Eric Dollard
- John Duncan (mathematician) (the mathematician)
- Robert Duncan Edwards : de:Robert Duncan Edwards, pt:Robert Duncan Edwards
- William N. Everitt – William Everitt – mathematician
Jonathan David Farley- Zuming Feng
- Achim Flammenkamp home page
- Bengt Fornberg
- J. Franel (France – 19th century–20th century) ? Jérôme Franel (1859–1939), Swiss mathematician
- Carl August Adolph Gauss – grandson of Carl Friedrich Gauss (1849–1927)
- Sergei Gelfand
- Giuseppe Giuga (Agoh–Giuga conjecture, Giuga number)
- James F. Glazebrook
- Rajaram Goundar
- Georges Gras
Benjamin Greenleaf(1786-1864) -[79]- James Grime
- Allan Wechsler – helped John Horton Conway and Richard K. Guy to develop one of the systems for naming very large numbers
[edit]- Denis Hanson (Bertrand's postulate#Generalizations)
- Lothar Heffter already an article on German wikipedia (
- Heintze, Ernst
- Melvin Henriksen (Pierce–Birkhoff conjecture, Leonard Gillman#Biography)
- Hildebrandt, Theophil Henry (T. H.)
- Hirsch, Warren author of the Hirsch conjecture, [NYU obituary]
- Helmut Hofer, a founder of symplectic topology, IAS announcement – he's not this same-named Helmut Hofer
- Seymour Jablon (1918–2012), American statistician and key member of the ABCC/RERF[54]
- Jaffard, Paul
- Jarvis, Frazer
- Katsevich, Gene
- Kaull, Donald
- Kelley, Kyle
- Kempf, Dr. Karl
- Kim, Myung-hwan
- Kings, Guido
- Knoer, Alvin
- Knus, Max-Albert (algebraist)
- Kominers, Scott Duke
- Kreyszig, Herbert
- Langberg, Valerie
- Lansey, Jonathan
- Legnani, Tom
- Lehert, Philippe (Belgian scientist, researcher and Senior Consulting Statistician at the United Nations. Lehert has developed innovative statistical modelling and analysis techniques in the field of epidemiology) (
- Linderholm, Carl
- Liu, Qing (the mathematician)
- Lockhart, Paul (mathematical educator)
- Mandel, Stefan Romanian, ran a "lotto syndicate" that bought out the Virginia lottery in the 90s
- Mircea M. Marinescu - physicist
- Mad Mathmos (a group at Cambridge University)
- Matsumura, Hideyuki
- Mazzeo, Rafe - Mathematician, currently a Department Chair at the Mathematics Department at Stanford University [55]. He obtained his PhD at MIT in 1986 under R.B. Melrose [56]. His research areas are Differential Geometry, Microlocal Analysis, and Partial Differential Equations [57]. He published over 100 mathematics papers in many prestigious journals [58], [59], including Annals of Mathematics [60]. His work has been cited over 5000 times [61]. He is the founder of the Stanford University Mathematics Camp [62] This entry was added on the 16th of November, 2020.
- Michal, Aristotle
- Murphy, Timothy G. Mathemitican working in the area of Group Representations, Professor Emeritus, Trinity College, University of Dublin Departmental webpage
- Nicoara, Andreea C.
- Norden, Aleksandr Petrovich
- Evgeny Mukhin (American-Russian mathematician studying high-level algebra, while directing graduate services at IUPUI in Indianapolis Indiana. His works have been cited thousands of times on google scholar. His research has been published in numerous prestigious magazines, and he is internationally recognized, often traveling the world presenting his research.) (,
[edit]- Pang, Jong-Shi – Prize-winning American mathematician at University of Illinois.
- Papin, Isaac q.v. fr:Isaac Papin
- Pemantle, Robin - Rollo Davidson Prize winner, Professor at UPenn
- Pimenov, Revolt Ivanovich
- E. G. Poznyak (also E. G. Pozniak) – Soviet mathematician, he wrote many articles on the Soviet Encyclopedia of Mathematics.Позняк,_Эдуард_Генрихович
- Landon Rabern - American mathematician,
- Prabhakar, Tilak Raj
- Rong, Xiaochun -American Mathematical Society Fellow at Rutgers
- Rooney, Caoimhe – mathematician from Belfast, researcher of distant planets, founder of Methematigals for women in STEM, listed in Forbes 30 Under 30 [63]
- Saito, Shuji
- Sato, Kanemoto
- Schedler, Travis
- Agnes Mary Scott [64]
- Sendova, Eugenia
- Shult, Ernest
- Ivan Stephen Sokolnikoff (Russian, Ph.D. 1930 University of Wisconsin, ended career teaching at U.C.L.A)
- Stone, Lawrence D.- Recipient of the 1975 Frederick W. Lanchester Prize (INFORMS)
- Eva Marie Strawbridge
- Szamuely, Tamás
- Tamagawa, Akio
- Michael Tsfasman , Tsfasman-Vladut-Zink bound, Niederreiter-Rosenbloom-Tsfasman metrics
- Garret N. Vanderplaats – active in optimization, winner of Wright Brothers Medal
- Venjakob, Otmar
- Vieille, Nicholas - Recipient of the 2003 Frederick W. Lanchester Prize (INFORMS)
- Wiegand, Roger (see Sylvia Wiegand)
- Willis, George (see Totally disconnected group)
- Wunderlich, Walter
- Knut Wittkowski
- Yuri Yatsenko
- Yetter, David N. (see HOMFLY_polynomial)
- Zacks, Shelemyahu
- Zygmunt Zahorski
- Yuri Zarhin
- A.A. Zykov Important early figure in graph theory, used a method called Zykov symmetrization to prove Turan's theorem (, already an article on Russian wikipedia (,_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87)
- Centered in describing the columns or rows of a matrix [clarification needed] (Is this different from Centering matrix?)
- Contraction equivalence -[80]
- Matrix-matrix transport -
- Mixed discriminant -[81]
- Term rank -[82]
- Pseudo covariance (Also called of "complementary covariance". The pseudo-covariance is defined whenever a complex random vector z and its conjugate z* are correlated, making the covariance matrix C = cov(z) = E zz^H not describe entirely the second order statistics of z.)
- 32760_(number) -- lowest number evenly divisible by all integers from 1 to 16; factorisation 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 13. [Comment: 32760 is not divisible by 16 or 11. The correct lowest number divisible by 1 through 16 is 720720.]
- 7920 (number) -- see -- as far as I can see, the only unique thing about this number is that it's the order of the smallest sporadic simple group
- Payam number - Payam Number MathWorld, A co-ordinated search for primes in the Payam number series
- Prime-generating polynomial — currently redirects to Formula for primes#Prime formulas and polynomial functions Duvar SaatiKedi TırmalamasıBebek Uyku Seti
- Factoriangular number (A factoriangular number is a sum of corresponding factorial and triangular number.) -- See
- Abelian polynomial theorem -
- Bayer–Neukirch theorem -
- Borel regulator -
- Brandt module -
- Capitulation kernel
- Chinburg invariant
- Coleman power series -
- Explicit class field theory -
- Hida family
- Hopf order
- Kato–Swan conductor
- Knot group (number theory) - (not the topological Knot group)[85]
- Kronecker equivalence -[86]
- Leopoldt's Spiegelungssatz (*Leopoldt reflection theorem) -
- Liardet's theorem -
- Masley's theorem
- Microprime -
- Noether conductor
- Noncommutative Iwasawa theory -
- Notation of division -
- Pólya field -
- Richaud–Degert field -[87]
- Sen's theorem -
- Strange numbers -
- Tame kernel, Wild kernel (also called Hilbert kernel)
- Tautological class field theory
- Beta sieve -
- Bobak Hossainkhani -
- Bohr set -
- Beurling generalized prime currently redirects to Beurling Zeta Function, but merits its own entry. (Helpful M. R. Watkins bibliography)
- Erdős–Wintner theorem -
- Exponent pair -
- Gorshkov–Wirsing polynomial -
- Halász–Montgomery inequality -
- Intersective set -
- Jarník's theorem -
- Mixed integer rounding
- van der Corput set -
- Vinogradov's hypothesis -
- Absorbing boundary condition (with redirect from *absorbing boundary conditions and mentioning *perfectly matched layer) -
- Alphacertified e.g. [65]
- Essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) -
- Faure sequence -
- Gregory's integration formula See [66]
- Homotopy continuation method for solving for roots. e.g. [67]
- Lentz's algorithm (for the evaluation of continued fractions) -
- Orthomin(1) algorithm (for approximating Ax = b) -
- Peano kernel e.g., see page 149 of [68]
- Primorial factorization -
- Watson transformation -
- Wexler's algorithm - (referenced in the alt-text of
- Zero stability (of linear multistep methods) -
- Adjoint functor theorem (order theory) -
- Continuous poset -
- Galois insertion
- Greechie diagram -
- Ideal completion -
- Irreducible element (order theory) -
- Join-dense set -
- Kaucher arithmetic -
- Localic group -
- Mathematical relaxation (order theory) -
- Meet-dense set -
- Powerdomain (order theory) -
- Prime element (order theory) -
- Suzumura consistency -[88]
- Art of Problem Solving Foundation
- European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry - ECMI (Note see article in French Wikipedia [69] )
- European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology - ESMTB
- Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe - MASSEE
- Albanian Mathematical Society
- Belarusian Mathematical Society
- Belgian Statistical Society
- Bosnian Mathematical Society
- Croatian Mathematical Society
- Indonesian Mathematical Society
- Italian Association of Mathematics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences
- Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale
- Lithuanian Mathematical Society
- Macedonian Society Association Mathematics/Computer Science
- Mexican Mathematical Society (Sociedad Matemática Mexicana)
- Network Science Society [70]
- Ural Mathematical Society
- Vietnam Mathematical Society
- Voronezh Mathematical Society
- Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists - JSMF
- Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada (Spanish Soc. of Appl. Math.)
- Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques (Catalanian Society of Mathematics)
- Swedish Statistical Society
- Ukrainian Mathematical Society
- Bayesian mapping
- Bhattacharyya bound
- Bus theorem
- Cameron–Martin development
- Causal Bayesian network
- Constant parameters process
- Continuous tree
- Convergence in variation
- Cramér–Lundberg approximation
- Derived distribution
- Do-calculus[71]
- Doob's upcrossing inequality
- Feinstein's fundamental lemma[89]
- Feldman–Hajek theorem[90][91]
- Finite set statistics
- Hawkes process
- Heavy-traffic diffusion approximations to queueing systems
- Kantorovich–Rubinstein theorem
- Luders rule
- Marked point process
- Martin boundary
- Noncommutative probability theory, maybe even merged with free probability: quantum stochastic processes, quantum stochastics calculus, etc. One might see Noncommutative geometry for a general idea.
- Objective chance
- Probability Hypothesis Density Filter
- Probability summation
- Random covering
- Stein's two-sample procedure
- Stress–strength model
- Threshold function and their relation to combinatorics/graph theory, number theory, etc. -
- Track-to-track fusion
- Transformation law of probabilities
- Verdu–Han lemma
- Watson Distribution
- Bi-Pareto distribution -
- Correct value as opposed to final value. this is seen when talking about true mean AND mean in statistics. But there is no article explaining this difference.
- Hake's theorem (see *Henstock–Kurzweil integral) -
- Leibniz transmutation method -
- n-dimensional singularity -
- Probability inequalities -
- Sierpinski–Erdős duality theorem -
- Statistical convergence -
- List of Lebesgue integration identities -
Representation theory (incl. harmonic analysis)
[edit]- Bahadur–Ghosh–Kiefer representation
- Endoscopic classification
- Gelfand's lemma
- General position character
- Geometric representation theory
- Howe conjecture
- Ind-sheaf
- Littelmann character formula
- Lusztig's conjecture on irreducible characters [72]
- Pieri algebra
- Shintani correspondence, Shintani norm
- Steinberg tensor product theorem
- Confluent hypergeometric limit function (i.e. 0F1; currently redirects to generalized hypergeometric function, or pFq)
- Gram–Charlier polynomials (currently redirects to Edgeworth series, which does not tell what a Gram–Charlier polynomial is)
- Harmonic polylogarithms (or HPL's, appear e.g. in the expansion of hypergeometric functions when computing multi-loop Feynman diagrams. See e.g. [73])
- Hyperlogarithm -[92]
- Inverse tangent integral (currently redirects to polylogarithm; see also [74] §18)
- Nielsen's generalized polylogarithm (for the subject matter see e.g. [75] §19)
- Polylogarithm factorial
- Prabhakar function (a 3-parameter Mittag-Leffler function that has many applications in fractional calculus and plays a fundamental role in the description of the anomalous dielectric properties in disordered materials and heterogeneous systems manifesting simultaneous nonlocality and nonlinearity and, more generally, in models of Havriliak–Negami type. See e.g. [76])
- Aalen–Johansen estimator
- Abracadabra problem / Abracadabra theorem - see,
- Allan Factor - see
- Anderson–Bahadur algorithm see Raghu Raj Bahadur
- Ansari–Bradley test -
- Average fold error - see e.g. eq 22 in
- Bayesian deviance -
- Begg's test - related to funnel plots, meta-analysis and publication bias
- Difference in betas -
- Burg's method -used in Matlabs arburg() for estimating AR process coeffs.
- Clisy -
- Composite reference standard - A method for evaluating diagnostic test in absence of gold standard test. See
- Compound sampling -
- Conditional covariance -
- D statistic
- Do-calculus Rules devised by Judea Pearl (1995) to prove which causal effects can be consistently estimated given assumptions about the data.
- Doornik and Hansen normality test -
- Duncan–Waller k-ratio t-test -
- Dunn–Šidák bound -
- Economic plausibility -
- Egger's test - related to funnel plots, publication bias and meta-analysis
- Expectile generalization of quantiles to finite samples, originally introduced by Efron
- Extended spatial decorrelation -
- Extremal types theorem
- Estimated potential scale reduction - a check for convergence in MCMC
- f3 statistic
- Fast simulation -
- Fisher's least significant difference -
- Fractional error -
- Gap statistic -
- Frailty modeling
- Graybill–Deal estimator -
- h-statistic - unbiased sample estimators of central moments
- Harmonic mean estimator -
- Hauck-Donner phenomenon -
- Hill estimator -
- Historical average - as a general statistics concept related to history
- Intrinsic accuracy - regarding a distribution, the expected value of its derivative, equal to the integral over its support of the square of the derivative over the pdf.
- Inference on Markov chains -Continuous and discrete time, fixed interval and fixed event sampling -
- Iterative thresholding algorithm -
- JADE (ICA) (an *Independent component analysis algorithm) -
- Least median squares -
- Logarithmic regression - used frequently to model data that change logarithmically. See [[77]], [[78]], and [[79]]
- Jenks natural breaks - (numeric classification, useful for thematic maps)
- Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin criterium (de:Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin-Kriterium)
- Line plot -
- Lower tail dependence -
- Max-stable distribution -
- Morisita–Horn index -
- Multilevel regression and poststratification -
- Nested ANOVA
- Nonparametric Bayesian method -
- Nonparametric data
- Normal power family -
- Normalized mean - see and Merigo, Jose M.; Cananovas, Montserrat (2009). "The Generalized Hybrid Averaging Operator and its Application in Decision Making". Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration. 9: 69–84. ISSN 1886-516X.
- Parametric data
- p-hacking (related to multiple comparisons problem. Lots of good references online.)
- Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA)
- Positive scoring agreement -
- pooled OLS -
- Posterior predictive p-value -
- Probability-weighted moment -
- pseudo-F (statistics)
- Quantum statistics -
- Random regression -
- REDATAM [80] -
- Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)
- Relative root-mean-squared error (RRMSE)
- Ryan Einot Gabriel Welsch method -
- Rotation testing -
- Samuel Cahn, Esther - Recipient of the Israel Prize in Statistics, 2004
- Seasonal index (with redirect from *Seasonal indices) -
- Separate families of hypotheses (and tests of) -
- Smallest singular value of the hessian -
- Skew elliptical distribution -
- Standardized incidence ratio , *Standardised incidence ratio -
- Statistical disclosure -
- Structural change method (SCM model) -
- Superiority and non-inferiority
- Superpopulation models -
- Supervised Hierarchical Clustering
- Supralinear (need explanation of term) (-)
- Systematic variation -
- Transdimensional transformation based Monte Carlo Markov Chain-[81]
- Treatment effect of the treated
- Trimedian - see and Merigo, Jose M.; Cananovas, Montserrat (2009). "The Generalized Hybrid Averaging Operator and its Application in Decision Making". Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration. 9: 69–84. ISSN 1886-516X.
- Total Access Statistics should be added to the list of statistical analysis programs It's been around since the early 1990s:
- Tukey B method -
- Ungrouped data -
- Upper tail dependence -
- Wiener–Granger causality (WGC) - clarify relationship to Granger Causality Wikipedia article
- Wilson estimate -
- Ladder of powers -
- Z-ranking -
- Artin–Mazur profinite completion -
- Alpha complex -
- Cellular complex -
- Cheeger–Simons cohomology -
- Curtis's convergence theorem
- Delooping
- Even periodic ring theory -
- Free homotopy group -
- Gauss map of a vector bundle (see Husemoller, Fibre Bundles) -
- geography problem for 4-manifolds -
- homotopy groups of simplicial sets -
- Hyperbolic simplicial complex -
- Kashin's theorem (esp. relation to *compressed sensing [82]p15)-
- Mapping cylinder neighbourhood
- Motive (topology) -
- Motivic spectrum -
- one-relator group
- Principle of monodromy
- Strong shape theory -
- Topological cyclic homology
- Whitehead tower
- Witt space -
- Affine fibration -
- Centered space -[93][94]
- Contiguity space -
- Dantian space -[95][93]
- Density topology -[96]
- Double fibration -
- Gauss space -
- Hopf plumbing -
- Locally countable space -
- Locally equiconnected
- Martin boundary -
- Overt space -
- Prodiscrete topology -[97]
- Separate continuity and Cross topology [83]
- Template theory -
- Thick space -[95][93]
- Topological partition (Note, not the same as Partition topology)
- equivariant Dehn lemma
Euler's Forumula F + V − E = 2 polyhedrons faces, vertices, edgesSee Euler characteristic- Lambda lemma -
- Propeller twisting -
- Regular neighborhood - (not sure this needs an article–in case see
- KKM theory applications and generalizations of *Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz lemma -
- Theorem of alternatives Theorem of alternatives-
- Paradromic ring (Rings produced by cutting a strip that has been given m half twists and been re-attached into n equal strips (Ball and Coxeter 1987, pp. 127-128).) (,
- Chayes–McKellar–Winn theorem -
- knotscape software for knot theory
- Kashaev invariant, a kind of quantum invariant
- Millett unknot, a 2D representation of the unknot
- Singular braid monoid
- Moore spectrum
- Hopkins–Miller theorem
- periodicity theorem
- Pontryagin–Thom collapse [84]
- Root invariant
- Schwede–Shipley theory
- Simplicial homotopy theory (currently a redirect)
[edit]Please try to classify these requests.
- renaissance of mathematics [85]
- Ninth (disambiguation)
- Arc of descent
- Argentine mathematics olympics
- Basis problem
- Bounding lemma
- Classical result
- Closed symmetric form
- Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae - mathematics journal
- Complex four-phase (sequences)
- Constructive recursive mathematics
- Cross-correlation theorem – (Fourier analysis) closely related to Convolution theorem and Wiener–Khinchin theorem
- D-triangle number (redirect to Pascal's triangle?)
- DARPA's math challenges
- Definition (mathematics)
- Difference predictor
- Dobrushin's lemma see
- Dynamic subtraction
- Eigenfilter
- Enright–Varadarajan modules
- Equilogical spaces
- Evolution of numbers
- Fourier goniometry (related to Goniometric)
- Fujisaki–Kallianpur–Kunita equations
- Generalization in mathematics
- Ghosh-Pratt identity
- Graph (application) (equation plotter)
- Hyperslab
- Hypertabastic function or Hypertabastic distribution
- Mohammad A Tabatabai; Zoran Bursac; David K Williams; Karan Singh (February 2007). "Hypertabastic survival model". Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling. Vol. 4. doi:10.1186/1742-4682-4-40.
- Implicit integration
- Integrate predictor
- Interior degree
- Jeffries multiplier
- Kallianpur–Striebel formula
- Klop's lemma
- Kostant–Parthasarathy–Ranga Rao–Varadarajan determinants
- Literal quantities
- Mathematical algorithms list and general contrasts to computer algorithms -
- Mathematics of computer science
- Metrically transitive operator from Leonid Pastur.
- Meaning function
- Migdal formula
- Mug Wump The silly math character who sometimes has a hat. Used to teach translations on a graph/plane. Yes this is real, don’t know why it got removed from the list.
- Natural logarithm of 10 perhaps merge with Natural logarithm of 2
- Non-constructive logic
- Nondeterministic polynomial time integer factorization for those who can't understand Shor's algorithm
- Numdam doi:10.1007/978-3-319-62075-6_6 Article title is tentative.
- Object coloring
- Omnific integers a type of surreal number thats the equivalent of integers but for the surreal numbers
- Poincare-Bertrand Theorem
- Ordinates transport
- Polydromy
- Polynomiograph
- Prefactor (a non-universal quantity)
- Relational homomorphism
- Relational isomorphism
- Rigid geometry (it's a simple redirect)
- Robert's cross operator
- Seven-point code
- Skew binary
- Square snowflake related to Peano curve and *Koch snowflake
- Strict positivity restriction-
- Subvariety (mathematics) (at least 4 math articles link to subvariety, which gives only the botanical sense)
- Tally chart
- Transform calculus, a type of analysis [86]
- Trigonometric equation – described on Wikibooks and on Polish Wikipedia (pl:Równanie trygonometryczne); it's not the same as trigonometric identity to which this link redirects.
- Turing ideal - [87]
- Unsolved Problems in Mathematics for the 21st Century - this is already covered by List of unsolved problems in mathematics.
- Weighted homogeneous polynomial [88]
- Weak derived set -- see Theory of Linear Operations by S. Banach, page 127 -- quote: "The weak derived sets of bounded linear functionals."
- Wyner–Ziv theorem
- Simon's favorite factoring trick
- Higher Class Numbers -- see [89]
- Hyperscientific 'F' Notation -- 'F' is used to denote repeated 'e' in Scientific 'e' Notation
- 18,446,744,073,709,551,616, 18,446,744,073,709,551,615, 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, 4,294,967,296, and 2,147,483,648
See also
[edit]- ^ "A C Method - Texas Wesleyan University" (PDF).
- ^ Jacobson, Nathan (1968). Structure and Representations of Jordan Algebras. American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications. Vol. 39. American Mathematical Society. p. 287. ISBN 0-8218-7472-1.
- ^ Narkiewicz, Władysław (2004). Elementary and analytic theory of algebraic numbers. Springer Monographs in Mathematics (3rd ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. p. 254. ISBN 3-540-21902-1. Zbl 1159.11039.
- ^ Formanek, Edward (1991). The polynomial identities and invariants of n×n matrices. Regional Conference Series in Mathematics. Vol. 78. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. p. 27. ISBN 0-8218-0730-7. Zbl 0714.16001.
- ^ Kaplansky, Irving (1972). Fields and Rings. Chicago Lectures in Mathematics (2nd ed.). University Of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-42451-0. Zbl 1001.16500.
- ^ Garibaldi, Skip; Petersson, Holger P. (2011). "Wild Pfister forms over Henselian fields, K-theory, and conic division algebras". J. Algebra. 327: 386–465. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2010.07.039. S2CID 115177472. Zbl 1222.17009.
- ^ Loos, Ottmar (2011). "Algebras with scalar involution revisited". J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 215 (12): 2805–2828. doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2011.04.001. Zbl 1229.14002.
- ^ Baur, Karin; King, Alastair; Marsh, Robert J. (2016). "Dimer models and cluster categories of Grassmannians". Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 113 (2): 213–260. arXiv:1309.6524. doi:10.1112/plms/pdw029. S2CID 55442266.
- ^ Knus, Max-Albert; Merkurjev, Alexander; Rost, Markus; Tignol, Jean-Pierre (1998). The book of involutions. Colloquium Publications. Vol. 44. With a preface by J. Tits. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. p. 128. ISBN 0-8218-0904-0. Zbl 0955.16001.
- ^ McCrimmon, Kevin (1977). "Axioms for inversion in Jordan algebras". J. Algebra. 47: 201–222. doi:10.1016/0021-8693(77)90221-6. Zbl 0421.17013.
- ^ Racine, Michel L. (1973). The arithmetics of quadratic Jordan algebras. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 136. American Mathematical Society. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-8218-1836-7. Zbl 0348.17009.
- ^ Formanek, Edward (1991). The polynomial identities and invariants of n×n matrices. Regional Conference Series in Mathematics. Vol. 78. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. p. 51. ISBN 0-8218-0730-7. Zbl 0714.16001.
- ^ Racine, Michel L. (1973). The arithmetics of quadratic Jordan algebras. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 136. American Mathematical Society. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-8218-1836-7. Zbl 0348.17009.
- ^ Schinzel, Andrzej (2000). Polynomials with special regard to reducibility. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications. Vol. 77. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-66225-7. Zbl 0956.12001.
- ^ Choie, Y.; Diamantis, N. (2006). "Rankin–Cohen brackets on higher-order modular forms". In Friedberg, Solomon (ed.). Multiple Dirichlet series, automorphic forms, and analytic number theory. Proceedings of the Bretton Woods workshop on multiple Dirichlet series, Bretton Woods, NH, USA, July 11–14, 2005. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Vol. 75. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. pp. 193–201. ISBN 0-8218-3963-2. Zbl 1207.11052.
- ^ McCrory, Clint; Parusinski, Adam (1996). "Algebraically constructible functions". arXiv:alg-geom/9606004.
- ^ Montgomery, Susan (1993). Hopf algebras and their actions on rings. Expanded version of ten lectures given at the CBMS Conference on Hopf algebras and their actions on rings, which took place at DePaul University in Chicago, USA, August 10-14, 1992. Regional Conference Series in Mathematics. Vol. 82. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. p. 164. ISBN 978-0-8218-0738-5. Zbl 0793.16029.
- ^ Willerton, Simon (2013-02-18). "Tight spans, Isbell completions and semi-tropical modules". arXiv:1302.4370 [math.CT].
- ^ Jech, Thomas (2003). Set Theory. Springer Monographs in Mathematics (Third Millennium ed.). Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 88–89. ISBN 978-3-540-44085-7. Zbl 1007.03002.
- ^ Sikorski, Roman (1964). Boolean algebras (2nd ed.). Berlin-Göttingen-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag. MR 0177920. Zbl 0123.01303.
- ^ Chabert, Jean-Luc (1979). "Anneaux de Skolem". Arch. Math. (in French). 32: 555–568. doi:10.1007/BF01238541. S2CID 120142530. Zbl 0403.13008.
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